Gum recession is the condition observed when the gum tissue surrounding a tooth pulls away from it. This is very unpleasant and it exposes the tooth’s root to plaque and bacteria attack. When this happens, you can reach a dental expert from Contact to receive the right treatment. Becuse If left untreated, this condition can become really severe causing the patient serious pain and eventually the affected tooth will fall off. Not very long ago, the treatment of gum recession required traditional skin grafting but this has been replaced with an easier and less painful procedure called chao pinhole surgical technique.

The traditional skin grafting for repairing gum recession involves cutting some pieces of gum tissue from the roof of the patient’s mouth and transplanting it to the recessed area around the tooth/teeth. This process can be painful and require a few days to heal. With the introduction of the pinhole gum surgical procedure, treating gum recession became easier and less painful and it only takes a few hours to heal.

This procedure is simple, it generally requires the following; first the gum tissue around the affected tooth are loosen. This is achieved by placing small pinholes in the gum tissue, then a special instrument is passed through those pinholes to loosen the gum tissue and gently the tissue is re-positioned. Collagen is used to hold the repositioned gum tissue in place until they heal. And the healing process doesn’t take very long. But for complete recovery you’ll have to follow a strict diet guideline provided by your surgeon. pinhole gum surgery complications

Like every other surgical procedure, there are known cases of pinhole gum surgical complications and side effects. Some side effects observed by patients include; pain, swelling around the gum, bleeding and fatigue. These side effects are really nothing to worry about since they can be managed by some over-the-counter pills prescribed by your periodontist.

Pinhole gum surgical complications can be more alarming and distressing but it’s nothing your periodontist can’t handle. These complications include;
•Excessive bleeding; if this is observed it should be reported to your periodontist as soon as you can.
•Food particles getting stuck in your gum; this is very unpleasant and to make sure it doesn’t happen it’s advised you strictly follow the diet guidelines.
•In very unfortunate and rare cases the repositioned gum may continue to recede. This requires urgent attention by your periodontist.

The pinhole gum surgical procedure is currently the best way to treat gum recession and it’s very reliable too.

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